Playboy Spaceman song for Bridge From Nowhere
George Kuhar – of our house band KUHLSON and also of Playboy Spaceman DID THIS for us (with samples from Episode 21!)
Life on the far northern edge of America
George Kuhar – of our house band KUHLSON and also of Playboy Spaceman DID THIS for us (with samples from Episode 21!)
We have been cancelled by public radio, but our podcast gains in POWER! Welcome to our first radio-free edition of BFN, in which our scientist...
We talk about many important topics today. Including: anadromous fish habitat in downtown Juneau, the life and loves of our primate friends, the Gibbons. And,...
In which Jamie describes his homecoming night menu, Lou goes to the chiropractor, Andy covets thy neighbor’s hearth, we let all teenagers know about their...
In the Episode, we prolapse our Poo Corner with Ninjaneer Marissa Capito, to dive deep into the depths of poo issues. We discuss fatal floods...
Episode 8 in which we discuss the Swamper, Stingers, Stunts, and that poor bastard Whitlow. Andy reveals an unnecessary trip to the ER, Jamie defies...
Episode 007 - In which we talk to our friend Libby Stringer who works in a goldmine and owns tiny dogs.
Longtime friend and local musical and broadcasting legend Steve Nelson hosts us at his house this week, where we here why little fish prompted his...
Growing up wild in Alaska, gold claims and fun with dynamite.
In which we discuss the trials and tribulations of the world's most famous dog of his day, the love of Sulu, why Skittles are bad for your toilet, sportsball, the perils of onion eating and scary monkeys. With guests Marisa Capito and Sarah Ginter.